Mistakes That Make Him Stop Chasing You

Many times when a woman falls in love, she feels the need to show a man that she is interested because she is afraid of losing him. She thinks that if she lets him know that she is in love, he will be with her.

This can manifest itself in many ways: calling him and asking him out, sending him texts to let him know that she is thinking about him, asking him questions about the relationship, asking him why he hasn’t called, why he hasn’t responded to the text.
And while this may seem friendly, if you do it often enough, it can destroy his interest in you. A man is attracted to women who seem like prey. While you don’t always have to wait for him to text you or ask you out, give him some space to pursue you.

Men like to have their space! And when a woman constantly asks him out and calls him, he will start to feel suffocated. If you do this out of fear of losing him, you will push him away. When you want to text or call him, ask yourself this: am I doing this out of fear of losing him or out of love?

You are about to discover the mistakes a woman makes that keep a man from pursuing her:
If you are afraid of losing him, he will sense your insecurity and will immediately be less attracted to you. He will feel like you are suffocating him and will want to pull back and give himself some space and freedom.
If you don’t want a man to pull away, give him space first. I know it can be frustrating waiting for his text or call. Give your partner some space to breathe!
We know it’s exciting to be in a relationship with the man you want, but you can’t smother him all the time. Instead of smothering a man with texts, let him miss you. A man’s attraction to you grows when he misses you.

You’ve started thinking about him all the time. You’ve started worrying that you might ruin things, wondering: Am I enough for him? What is he thinking about me? What if he leaves me?
You analyze everything he is doing, hoping that maybe you can figure it out! Overthinking will kill his attraction and interest in you! The more energy you put into analyzing, the less energy you have to be an attractive and valuable woman.

Your insecurity starts to show in small ways. You start giving too much in a relationship, hoping he will see how much you care about him. You go from an attractive, positive and energetic woman to a desperate, scared and unattractive woman. He can sense your insecurities and starts to question if you are the right woman for him.

Sacrificing too much for this relationship.

So many women tend to lose themselves in their relationships. It starts with giving up little things like certain hobbies and certain friends. And then, before they know it, they have become dependent and needy! By giving too much in your relationship, you will end up losing the man you love!
You’re analyzing everything he says and does!
When you don’t know how a man feels about you and you’re really interested in him, there’s a temptation to try to find clues, signs, or hints in everything he says and does.

You’re in love with this man and you don’t want to lose him. You analyze every word he writes to you trying to figure out how he feels about you, without asking him. The problem is that that kind of overanalyzing pushes him away. Because a man senses your insecurities. So, if you overanalyze the things a man says and does, you’re hurting your chances with him and pushing him away.
You need to get out of this rut ​​so a man doesn’t run away. You need a new approach and a new attitude. You need to continue to be the attractive, confident, and desirable woman he was initially attracted to and interested in.

Moving too quickly can turn a man off. Take your relationship one step at a time and give yourself enough time to appreciate what just happened between you. It’s much more attractive to a man if you have an interesting life without him. Keep making plans and going out with friends without him.

Keep meeting other men. This makes you less available and more unattainable. A man wants a woman who is valuable and knows she is valuable. Keep yourself busy with other activities so you are not constantly thinking about him.

So many women, when they find a man who they think is the love of their life, start to sabotage their chances of creating a lasting love relationship. You start to hear this little voice in your head asking if you deserve this amazing man you have found. The best way to counter this little voice is through action. Be the confident, attractive, worthy woman that high quality men are attracted to.

Expecting him to read your mind is a mistake!
This is one of the biggest mistakes women make that will drive a man away. Expecting him to know what’s wrong, or why you’re upset without telling him, is a surefire way to get him to emotionally disengage and walk away.

When a woman is honest and forthright and tells him what he did to upset her, it’s a huge relief for him. It lets him know that she’s more interested in fixing the problem than punishing him. If you want to have an amazing relationship, bring positive energy into your relationship. That’s what will make the difference.

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