Many women got used to talk about men. Female discussions constitute the essential element of female friendship, an inevitable thing in our daily life. It seems funny to give and to receive some advice. It is the convenient way of filling the moments of emptiness.
“News about men? How did you spent Saturday evening? How about your luck with men?”
If are single for a short time, many friends will be eager to find out about your new conquests, you often feel obliged doing something in order not to deceive your friends.
However try not telling them about your sex adventures!
We women will never stop discussing with friends this subject, but let’s not exaggerate. Do not you find you reveal too many things, while discussing the man you dated yesterday evening?

Problem discussion is essential to emotional well-being. But the moment you cross the road of your intimate relation with men, discussions can prove to be inefficient.
Making everybody your psychologist will not help you with problem solving. The use of others in order to justify yourself is far from self-defense. Your sex adventures or escapades with men either stay secret, or become known to everybody, there is no middle. Sometimes it can happen that the more you discuss the men from your life, the more will say people around you:” You get just fun. You are an easy woman.” Female talk can transform the discussion of men into your favorite occupation. The thing making you appear from time to time victim, fun girl, bitchy or just uneducated.
Thus you can stop permanently judging men:
If you dated a man, do not tell anything. In case they request details, tell everything in two phrases. If you feel the need to confess, you should not tell them everything either. Each time you feel the need to comment something on men, keep your tongue in your mouth! Choose subjects not concerning only you. If you tell your girlfriends you are not willing to talk, they may think something goes wrong, and putting you more questions instead, not a good outcome.
If you cannot keep silent, tell them about men, but in the most reserved way possible. You must calm yourself and change subject. When the thing is about sentimental crisis, you can reveal details to one – two closer friends. Speak less in order not to get them annoyed with your story. You have some other subjects to discuss except your relationship with men, so make your brain work better during friendly discussions. Prove that you are able to discuss other subjects except those who you slept with. You should manage well the situation in order to avoid the impression you are lying.
If they ask you about news with men, tell them there is nothing new. The secret consists in the quick change of subject! It may be useful to abstain from friendly meetings for a week or two, until you find balance again.