It means that both partners can love in a relationship, but they are free to keep at the same time sexual relationship with other persons outside the relationship. You can find this disgusting, but for many couples this principle works well.
Every day we meet up new people and there is always a chance of meeting someone more attractive. When you meet an attractive person, you tend to think: why not to try seduction games? We are attracted by prohibited and irresistible things.
There are women who are unwilling to cheat on their partners, but their relationship faces crisis and outside home they managed to find an attractive and sexual partner. And besides all, it happens that after a couple of occasional sexual intercourses outside relationship, the woman understands that she has by her side the most wonderful man ever and tries to keep the relationship alive.
Is it easy to be engaged into relationship and at the same time having fun with other men? Or is it better to resign before betraying?
I never judge the decisions taken by a woman. You can love a man and at the same time be sexually attracted to another. Love and sex are two opposite things. These women consider that is better to have an open relationship instead of passing through the reduction of sensual feelings towards the partner, even if they in love with him.
There are people who cannot accept the simple idea of having sexual relationship with the same person until the end of their days. They think it would be easier to cheat than to be grateful for the same person every day. If there is love between two people, but both are willing to experience some other sexual adventures, then the open relationship can be for them the perfect solution of staying together.
Everybody wants the things he can get. The sexual adventures outside relationship represent an emotional and exciting experience, because sex is a kind of tabu. But sex cannot be a tabu within an open relationship, thus the sexual adventures lose their primary attractiveness. There are women who cannot accept the idea of open relationship despite the attempts of convincing them, it is too painful experience for them. You can be broken by a single thought that he is getting fun with others, while you are staying home. Only the fear of losing their man makes these women to accept an open relationship.
Can you feel happy while you imagine your man in the arms of another woman? Personally I tend to think that you deserve more than that! Are you willing to accept the presence of other women in the bedroom of your man? Everybody has his own sexual dreams, and you should be aware that any man can get annoyed even of the most sensual woman. But accepting to have an open relationship with a man, just from the fear of losing him, represents one of the most dangerous steps in your relationship.
How would you feel, if your new girlfriend finds an excuse to make sex in front of you? Would you be able to look at your man without feeling insecure and jealous? Never let your man get into the arms of another woman. But in case both of you have your own perception of love and accept the idea of having sexual intercourses with other people, then an open relationship cannot be something negative as long as it is accepted by both partners.