Bringing Hidden Love Affair To Light

Bringing Hidden Love Affair To Light

Today there are many women cheating on their partners. A hidden affair can seem especially attractive, because pleasure gets into habitude. Sometimes it can happen that lovers do not want to hide any more, willing to get out from shadow and disclose their love story to the world. They are united by sufferings and consolation, crazy sex attraction, tenderness and joy, fear and courage, feelings of guilt and oscillations between passion and other duties, a variety of contradictory feelings.

If you are currently hiding an affair, but really willing to reveal it to others, I highly advise you to calm down your feelings. Because in most of cases, only a little percent of such relationships have future.

You can argue:” What can be bad in living together and showing everyone our love? I deserve to be happy, don’t I? “ My message actually is: only if it is really possible to transform your hidden affair into a stable couple relationship, without losing lively spirit making you feel happy.

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Before taking any decision, think:” What will happen to children? “ And what will happen to your ex partner, a wonderful man loving you, as well as the future of your relationship.

If you think others should approve your happiness, then you make a big mistake!

The truth is that when you want to get a love affair into an ordinary couple relationship, everything is destroyed, you cannot substitute your partner with your lover and keeping the same order of things.

Regardless of what type is your ex, be sure he will not keep calm, he will protest, suffer, and will arrange the meeting with lawyers.

The only force able to turn down all obstacles: love has no boundaries!

Things you should take into consideration, when you are willing to transform love affair into a normal couple relationship:

Lovers do not survive, they only get fun! Cohabitation is not equal with secret dates. You are supposed to live with a man without any plans or sacrifices in mind.

Bear in mind that in order to transform a hidden love relationship in a stable couple relationship, you should completely change your relationship.

You will have feeling that everybody is against you. Prepare to stand up to personal attacks, so that your self-dignity will be free of sufferings. Only time and efforts can make everybody accept the unexpected changes.

There is risk that some men can compare the advantages from the past with the present living. Unexpectedly, when the new relationship seems to work well, you can prove nostalgic feelings: ”Maybe I did something wrong…”

One day you can bump into your ex and notice some things you did not see before. This nostalgia has two sides: minimization of the value of your current partner and the appreciation of your ex’s features. It is a painful antithesis!

Try to be sincere with yourself, when you are willing to bring a hidden affair to the day light.