How to Get Your Boyfriend to Keep His Promises

“ He promises, but does nothing. He explains that he has forgotten, I must always think about everything.”
Women’s biggest complain is the feeling of being forgotten. When he forgets about something, we may often hear this:” You don’t listen to me!”

Men are often busy at work and we feel ignored and abandoned. Let’s not forget man’s indifferent attitude towards his woman could he doesn’t simply care about her. If we had forgotten his words, we would have probably not listened to him. We would never put the work as our first priority instead of something much more important. If we use this fact, their reaction won’t be positive. We can’t understand how it is possible to love and forget. We are totally astonished by his ability to retain the least work details and at the same time to forget the simplest things in relationship. When he forgets doing something for us it is similar to forgetting about our existence. You may propose to your lover some tips on better memorizing.

Remember that your partner’s weak memory is not directly proportional to your love.
He can’t comfortably feel in the relationship if you always put in his face the list of things he hasn’t done. The best tip to get rid of negative anger feelings is talking about what brought our sadness in the past. We get free of anxiety through memories and discussions.

Men are often persuaded that a positive attitude towards female complaints is constructive, but ironically, that’s the key of the problem. We often consider this kind of attitude wrong: we have difficulties discussing the problem with a man, when he acts such as if nothing had happened.

Thus both seem to be caught into a vicious circle: if he keeps on acting like everything is all right, we keep on feeling ignored and being anxious. Instead of trying to change him, change first yourself. If you are convinced that he is supposed to make first step, you will just compromise your relationship.

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You must do everything to make your partner easily understand you, respect and perceive your wishes. Begin to express your feelings in the most accessible and constructive way. If you complain that he didn’t listen to you, his behaviour will just get worse. If a man forgot to do something it doesn’t necessarily mean he didn’t listen to you or he doesn’t care, he might have simply forgotten.
He was absent-minded when he had to remember something. Complaining that he never listens to you is a counterproductive, stupid and wrong manner of acting.

The only message you send him when he does forget about something should be: you love him for who he is, but you will be happy to feel more his presence in the future.

“ You never listen to me!”, that doesn’t work with a man. It is not always easy, but try to avoid those words. By getting your partner’s tendency to forget, you will learn to appreciate more the moments your partner hasn’t missed important things. Act nicely when he forgets about something important. If you are mocking your partner, he will tend to forget more the important things, that refer to systematic complaints to the partner who apparently does nothing for your relationship. You make complaints, hoping he won’t forget the next time, but this idea is far from reality.

The best thing to do is taking a break. Show him your love without critical remarks, so that he will memorize better the next time. You will get what you want only having a tender and uncritical attitude.
First of all make him know, speaking in a tender voice, that there is nothing criminal in the act of forgetting, and then make him remember it once again. Be very attentive at your voice. Don’t make him feel guilty! If you simply remind him to better memorize, he will do infinitely more for you.

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