If what you’re doing isn’t giving you the results you want, the only way to get something different is to change what you’re doing. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck where you are months or years from now. And that’s not what you want for yourself.
Do you feel like your situation is hopeless? There are so many women who are on the verge of giving up on their man, on love, and on commitment. Trying something new and seeing if it works for you is sometimes all you need to turn a situation around completely.
The secret to keeping a man interested is to keep chasing you. Don’t go crazy and try a strategy that is the exact opposite of what he wants. If you feel like he’s not chasing you, just seems bored, takes you for granted, doesn’t seem in love, then it’s time to take a step back.
He needs his independence right now and you need to give it to him. But if you are afraid of losing him because he might cheat on you or leave you, he won’t leave you if you make him worry about losing you. Here are 5 ways to remind him how much you are valuable and how much he wants you in his life!
Here are some tips on how to make a man fear losing you:
1. Stop reassuring him that you are waiting for him, be a little elusive!
Maybe you are too available and have shown your attraction to him. So now is the time to be unpredictable. Stop sharing your schedule with him and telling him your plans.
In fact, the less you say, the better. Because he feels like you are hiding something from him or that you are interested in more exciting opportunities. This is when the fear of losing you really comes into play.
I am talking to every woman who is giving too much of herself in her relationship and you should listen carefully because you are about to get the most important advice ever: stop chasing a man and watch what happens!
2. Make him jealous and remind him how attractive you are!
Simply talking about how attractive or funny another man is will make him jealous. The more he seems to ignore you, the more you should try to provoke him. Some women even choose to start flirting with other men in front of him. I would personally advise against this.
Most women make mistakes and it can create a lot of resentment in the man they love. You should make lots of friends, including other men, coworkers. Let him work harder to impress you and fight for your attention.
3. Make him work harder to get your attention!
Don’t be available all the time, do the opposite, sometimes, be elusive. Give him his independence as he has requested, and continue your life without him. Make yourself unavailable by planning entire days of activities.
During a relationship you get used to texts, calls, appointments, if you distance yourself you will send a strong message to your man, showing him the importance of your presence in his life. He cannot see you whenever he wants, it is the best way to confirm your value.
4. Stop showing him that you care about him!
If you continue to give an uninterested man everything he wants, you are sending a strong message: “please don’t leave, please don’t leave me, I can’t live without you.” That is, cutting off emotional intimacy. Rewarding him by continuing to care and express how much you need him will only reinforce his bad attitude. He can get away with anything because you will still love him.
When he pulls away or seems hesitant, I still advise you to be strong and be willing to walk away from him. You need to show him that you don’t care or that you care less now that he’s hesitant. Stop giving him all that attention if he’s told you he’s not interested in committing. Stop showing him that you care.
It’s about giving him what he wants. Space. Independence. This is what should scare him into taking you back, because he’s starting to feel like your heart is leaving him. And yes, this is exactly what happens when a woman stops loving a man. If you keep begging him to love you, it won’t work. This will only make him want more independence and less attention from you.
5. Stop responding to his attention, make him work harder to win you back!
Many women make the mistake of immediately getting back together with a man, as soon as he makes a move. Even if he sends you a few messages or calls you more often, it is not enough to get him back! Remember, the harder a man works to get your attention, the more he realizes that you are worthy and become a value to him. Let him invest more time to get you back.
No Contact is a great technique
You have to know how to use No Contact at the right time. When he takes you for granted, you have to set this distance, to take stock, but also to avoid falling into obsession and emotional dependence. Many people feel incapable of respecting it, but it is still the right thing to do.
6. Become the best version of yourself!
Move on and live your life without him. This step works wonders! This sends another strong message to him: that life will go on, even if he doesn’t want you. You won’t fall into his negativity or continue to give him power over you. You are independent, so you don’t need him to survive. You are happy, busy, and ready to live life to the fullest.