Chasing a man could hurt you if he rejects you. It’s true that the social climate is changing and women are more of a chaser, but it’s important to understand the difference between chasing a man and simply being attractive and friendly.
Being chased by a woman makes many men uncomfortable. The point is, if you’re trying too hard with him, you’re only making things harder for yourself.
Here are some reasons why you should stop chasing him and instead redirect your energy towards something important to you.
You’re about to discover 6 reasons why chasing a man won’t help you attract love:
1. You are trying too hard to impress a man and not being yourself. The problem is that you are trying too hard to impress him and putting all your effort into winning him over. Over time, whether you win or lose, you will realize that you put so much effort into trying to achieve a goal. You never stopped to ask yourself if it was really worth it.
A woman of value will not chase a man who has only limited interest in her. Your judgment is clouded right now because you want to WIN. That is human nature, yes. But that can be a painful realization later.
2. The harder you try, the more desperate and needy you appear. When you try so hard to get a man who isn’t sure he wants you, you appear desperate. Desperate for love, desperate for him, desperate for a relationship, any relationship, even if it’s toxic for you. That doesn’t make you attractive, you appear needy and clingy. When you don’t chase a man, not only are you more attractive to him, but it protects you from a relationship that ends up hurting you.
Don’t chase a man, you should let him come to you. When you stop chasing a man, you will eventually become free. You will no longer feel like a prisoner of your own mind, because you will be busy enjoying the present. You will be busy pursuing the most exciting things you’ve always wanted to try. Your spirit will be rejuvenated and you will be exuding happiness.
3. It lowers your value in his eyes and also lowers your self-esteem. Unfortunately, wanting him so badly—at the expense of your pride—will only make him ask, “What’s wrong with her? Why is she trying to convince me that we’re good together, instead of letting me figure it out for myself?”
Aggressively putting yourself out there, while commendable in terms of courage, actually lowers your value in his eyes. If something is rare or hard to get, it increases its value. If something is free or really cheap, it’s not romantic, it’s not sexy, it’s nothing special.
You get the main role! When you’re constantly chasing a man, you put most of your energy into impressing him. You analyze his moves, complain about his attitude, suffer the way he treats you, try to read his signals and do your best to get to his heart.
You put a lot of effort into being as attractive to him as possible. It sounds like hard work, right? When you stop chasing a man, you have the opportunity to redirect all that energy towards yourself. Now you can focus entirely on your self-improvement without obsessing over him.
4. If you try too hard to get a man, he will always blame you for forcing him into a relationship he wasn’t ready for. If you don’t give him a chance to realize that he loves you or make him want to win you over, how will he appreciate you in his life?
5. If a man isn’t trying to chase you, something is wrong. Here are some common reasons why a man might be flirting, but not wanting to chase you:
• He’s in a relationship or married;
• His only interest in you is sexual;
• He wants to focus on his career,
• He’s not attracted to you.
6. It’s actually much more important to focus on improving yourself. Chasing a man takes the attention away from you. It’s actually better to focus on self-improvement, which means making yourself look and act more attractive. This not only ATTRACTS his attention without trying, but it also makes you feel more appreciated by him.
Love finds you!
I know you think that’s far from the truth, but trust me. Once you stop chasing a man, he comes to you. Once you stop obsessing over getting a man, he comes knocking on your door. True love comes when you least expect it!
When you become more relaxed about finding love, you attract romance. A man senses desperation and walks away. But if you stop chasing him, he sees freedom and independence, which are always attractive qualities.
The law of attraction says: if you stop chasing something (because you don’t really need it) you absorb that value. It increases your value. A man senses your confidence and starts paying more attention to your life, your appearance, and your words. He realizes that there is something special about you. Something unique.