Barbara has written to me: “ From the first moment I saw him, my heart started beating faster. It is like being in a dark place and then being suddenly warmed up by a ray of light.”
Many women told me how their life changed in a single moment, willing that this magic feeling lasts forever. The others revealed that they were unable to hide their eyes, like being attracted by a supernatural force. He was by the time a stranger, a hardly known person, but she kept on looking at him.
You think about the beauty and perfection of this man. It is an intense emotion stopping you from thinking about other things. He wants you know everything about him and reveal everything about you, you found yourself caught in the middle of flaming passion.
Many women told me about this kind of sensations, but I have also talked to the women affirming the opposite: “ I don’t believe in love at first sight.”
But the doubts remain: “ Is there such a thing as love at first sight?”
We can appeal to science in order to get some explanations. Our unique brain possesses the ability of detecting in a few seconds, if we like the man we met or not. We decide at once if we can love him or not. All this in spontaneous way, it is about the connection of our brain and our subconscious.
Other studies proved that a woman decides at once, if she can develop a relationship with a man or not. According to some religions, there is a possibility that you met this man in previous life. With this man, you share a deep spiritual connection linked to karma.
A spiritual friend creates from the first dates a deep sensation of intimacy and strong connection. He entered your life in order to leave there a mark, but it does not necessarily imply the idea of spending with him the rest of your life.
If you reveal passion from the beginning, you must be attentive and convincing, in order to make him believe that the relationship will last due to the first flame of passion that sparkled between you two. Love at first sight can last in time, but you should assume some risks. Relationship will develop in time, as well as the growth of love.
Love means actions, not only feelings. Many women perceive love as just a feeling, but in order to build up a genuine love story, you should act with love, only in this case we can talk about genuine love.
When people reveal about living true love story, they misinterpret sexual attraction with love. Love at first sight does not exactly mean love. You cannot fall in love with someone just mechanically, you are expected to know him better before falling in love. Sexual attraction means in the eyes of man a part of chemistry, but it is not the only element of this type of love.