Sometimes men look at other women like hypnotized, and seem to need a push in order to get back on earth and remember about us. Each time your man perceives a beautiful woman, he keeps on gazing at her. This vice eradication is not an easy task, actually it is impossible.
Why do the men look at other women?
First of all, men are visual creatures and their eyes are always in action. Secondly, he wants the third place too, if possible.
Any attractive woman can drive him crazy. We get angry, but they keep on doing this.
Men usually fear to approach a woman, but they are courageous in the matter of gazing. They hope to reach woman’s attention through eye contact.
Men, regardless if they are single or engaged, feel physical attraction towards other women. But you should try that this does not have an impact on your relationship.
Men are not monogamous. A man chooses to stay with woman from love considerations, as well as from desire to have children and stability. Monogamy is just a choice for your man, not an ordinary condition.
Your man can dream about others, watch porn movies and being at the same time a wonderful partner.
The physical attraction he suddenly proves for another woman is due to the high level of testosterone, serotonin and dopamine.
Even if he occasionally gazes at other women, his feelings in your regards cannot disappear. Many men can contemplate for long time another woman, attend a night club and at the same time be a trustworthy partner.
How to break this habit of staring at other women?
You have told him many times that this thing bothers you and makes feel uncomfortable, but nothing has changed so far. Your self confidence stops him looking at others. This requires a little calmness and patience. You know that you are ready to “shot” him with eyes, but you should stay quiet. Tell him in a secure and calm voice that you cannot accept such things.
Inner protest cannot help. Avoid phrases like:” She is more beautiful than me, that’s the reason you keep on looking at her, isn’t it?”
You must feel confident about your words, tell him this thing bothers you. Ask him about his feelings in similar situation. Explain him in a confident voice that this thing is unacceptable.
Do not accept ordinary excuses! If he replies that this is impossible for him, think well if it is worth staying with such a man.
When we feel attached much to a man, we end up feeling insecure. It is difficult feeling comfortable, when the man staying in the same room keeps gazing at you.
When you do not like the man looking at you, the only thing you can do is keeping away from him and give him a cold look. Men fix their eyes onto women and feel courageous if she feels uncomfortable, but if you reply instead with a cold and arrogant look, he will get scared like a puppy and will disappear at once from your view.
If he keeps on gazing at other women even after your discussion, then it is high time for a severe feedback. The next time he starts flirting with other women, start flirting with other men.
Make him feel like a loser and behave like nothing had happened. Flirting with other men into his eyes will be a good lesson that will teach him to know his place.